Benches and Stupidity

Hey Zach,

Interesting that the same group of numbskulls who want benches along the so-called greenway (actually a cement path) are the same folks who wanted the benches removed from the Downtowners' Park on South Elm Street to avoid panhandlers and homeless folks from hanging out there. And the same group who opposes putting public restrooms in the parking garages because someone might use them for illicit purposes.

Now they want to remove the little greenway through the parking lot on South Elm and McGee streets downtown because nobody uses it. People used to use it to eat bag lunches and watch passers-by and enjoy the breeze and the flowers. Neighbors often sat on the benches and had friendly conversations and/or heated discussions.

There are lots of rules about downtown. One should be that there is no panhandling, (begging) in the Central Business District. There are enough police officers downtown to enforce the rule. Downtown has many rules that are different from other areas of the city. This is one that is needed.


Fec said...

John Hammer claims the downtown design manual requires businesses to provide transit to the greenway.

Michele said...

"There are lots of rules about downtown. One should be that there is no panhandling, (begging) in the Central Business District."

I agree. But I'm not sure an ordinance banning panhandling would withstand a Constitutional challenge.

"There are enough police officers downtown to enforce the rule."

No, there aren't. Aggressive panhandling is already illegal. But officers can't be everywhere all the time, so it continues.