I Need Your Help! It Ain't Over!

Greensboro needs forward-thinking members on the city council. I offer myself as one of these. I need your vote tomorrow.

And, if you have time, I need a little help from my friends. I can use some folks to work at polling places for a few hours. After you vote, just hang around and talk to people on my behalf. I am running a hard campaign against candidates who are better financed. I need
help at Kiser Middle School, First Baptist Church, Page High School, Washington Elementary School, Peeler Rec. Center, and I could use help at your voting place, too. I have literature available that I can deliver to you today if you have time to hand out some . Just e-mail me at dianedavisgreensboro@yahoo.com or leave a message at 378-4457.

I am running a tight campaign against better-financed candidates. I believe that this election should be about ideas, not about raising money, or party affiliation.

I hope you know that I am honest and above board with my ideas about Greensboro City Government. If you think that I will work hard for the citizens of Greensboro, and you like my published ideas, then Help Me Get Elected. If elected, I will not disappoint you.

Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for voting. Your vote can make a difference, if you vote for Diane Davis for City Council at Large. Call or e-mail your friends and remind them to vote. GO VOTE and take a friend. Remember what Yogi said "It ain't over till it's over"

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