By Those Who Follow the "leader" ????

To Sue,
Did you read my post about the paved greenway? Your response post didn't seem as if you did. My questions have not been addressed.
Actually, I have been to several of the meetings. I did ask many questions which were not honestly or adequately answered. I have talked with city employees and officials about it.
At one of the meetings with one of the planners from another state who boasted of a greenway in his home town, I asked how often he used the greenway? It was within walking distance of his office. His answer was very evasive.
I am not against the so-called greenway. I just don't think tax money should be spent on it at the present time. There are more pressing issues which I mentioned in my post.

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1 comment:

Bob Grenier said...

"At one of the meetings with one of the planners from another state who boasted of a greenway in his home town, I asked how often he used the greenway? It was within walking distance of his office. His answer was very evasive."

Ah, but Sue suggests that the cheerleaders of our Greenway shouldn't have to provide anything like a cost/benefit/usage analysis.


Because they know such a study (assuming no built-in bias toward the project) would show minimum benefit to the taxpayers who are expected to foot the bill, and an exorbitant cost per actual user.

Along with the political dishonesty of labeling the Greenway a "transportation issue" and placing it on a bond referendum as such, is it any wonder that many of us refuse to go along with the "business as usual" crowd on this point?