Landfill Question Answered

Trucking our household garbage to transfer stations, repackaging it and paying someone to haul it away to other areas for final disposition is a bad idea. The White Street Landfill will not be completely closed. It will still be used for toxic Construction and Demolition waste and big trucks will still carry it there. Recycling and Yard Waste Composting operations (good, clean operations) will continue.
There is clean, cost-effective technology available now that would allow the City of Greensboro to greatly reduce the total volume of trash going into all landfills.
Closing the White Street Landfill to Household Trash before there was a smart alternative to the landfill problem was not a good idea.

The following was posted on this blog in August of this year. I have been an advocate of a regional waste-to-energy program for many years.

Posted Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Wake Up and Smell the Garbage!

Greensboro should start as soon as possible to develop a long-term solution to trash disposal.
We should not wait to see what someone else is going to do about the trash disposal problems in our area. The longer we wait, the less control we will have over the disposal method, the price and the availability of a facility location.
Hauling our household waste to a re-packaging facility and then paying to have it hauled off to who-knows-where is not a good solution.
In addition to the household trash problem, the construction and demolition waste in our landfill could be reduced by reuse, recycling and resource recovery.
We need a regional waste-to-energy facility.. We need it as soon as possible. There are many clean, cost effective facilities in operation today and there is a seemingly unending source of fuel.
What do you think?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I came to your site while doing some browsing on the web, and noticed your entry.

I agree that WTE is the way to go. Trucking waste to distant landfills and running transfer stations makes no sense when we have the technology to cleanly utilize the waste for heat and power, reducing fossil fuel needs and decreasing overall pollution from trash trucks, old coal and oil burning power plants, and further raw waste landfilling. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover the Energy!